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Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

End of The Year 2015

This is the last night of 2015... Let us pray for all the blessings, the hard times, the joyful time and not so joyful moments. All have been given to us to pass this life and we should be able to take lessons from those moments.

May the year 2016 bring the best in life for us and will be another full of blessing year...

Rabu, 30 Desember 2015

Why I Love Harry Potter

This is also another post from my now close blog. About why people like to read Harry Potter a lot. Isn’t that a book for children? It is about magic, right? Why do you like to read something about witchcraft rather than reading something religious like the Bible (since I am a Christian).

Well, I can give thousand of reasons why I like to read that book. But the main things are probably because is the story that will take me to a fantasy land and of course because I identified myself with one of the character, that is…, well not Hermione. I am definitely not that smart. Most certain not with Harry as I do not have the strength that he has. No, I think more or less like Ron.

Why? Hmmm, hopefully I can give a bit of description about Ron correctly. Let me see. Ron came from a family with large members but not rich. He felt the pressure to become more or like his older brothers. The older two are doing successfully with their careers. And the twin brothers that he have always manages to attract attention by their jokes or behavior. Ron felt that he could not do any of those. And then he met with Harry. The boy who lived. The famous boy all around the wizarding world. And to make the matter worst, Harry is good with quiditch game, often have something that he can not talk about with Ron, make him feel like a doormath sometimes. He also likes to complain a lot, being grumpy when things does not suit him and often act first without thinking.

Senin, 28 Desember 2015

Playing Cards

This is another old post from one of so many blogs that I used to have. Funny to think that I don't have the time to write but always loves to make another new blogs... Sighed...

Anyway, in this post I remember that whenever I was sick..., my mom always tried to keep me stay awake by playing cards... There are so many games that we played during that time. But as time goes by, I forgot all of them. So, here I try to memorize one of them, by writing the manual.

Okay. Here goes.

Playing Remi with Joker ( I don't know the exact name in English. Sorrry)

First of all, we need 2 packs of cards along with the 4 cards of Joker. Don't cast them aside. We need them for our game.

Jumat, 25 Desember 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

Beberapa waktu lalu saya mengikuti giveaway yang diadakan oleh seorang teman. Lombanya meminta para peserta untuk menyebutkan film Natal favorit mereka...

Dan film Natal favorit saya adalah...Home Alone... Ngoook. 20 tahun lalu Home Alone memang film Natal favorit saya. Tapi setelah salah satu stasiun televisi sangat rajin memutar film tersebut setiap hari Sabtu, maka film favorit yang sering saya putar DVD-nya adalah Love Actually.

Diambil dari fanpage Love Actually di Facebook

Loh? Memangnya film itu bertema Natal? Bukannya lebih bercerita tentang masalah percintaan?

Kalau menurut saya film itu menjadi berkesan, karena memang menceritakan masalah percintaan dari beberapa tokoh. Lalu apa hubungannya dengan Natal? Hari Natal, seperti juga hari-hari raya lainnya menurut saya akan lebih berkesan jika dirayakan dengan orang-orang yang kita cintai. Orangtua, anak, saudara, pasangan dan teman dekat. Tapi dalam hidup ada beberapa hal yang tidak bisa kita peroleh:

Kamis, 24 Desember 2015

Christmas Eve's Story

Menjelang Natal, saya ingin berbagi cerita rakyat Perancis yang diceritakan ulang oleh Fiona Waters dari buku yang saya baca ini.

Jadi ceritanya bapak tua Pierre adalah seorang pembuat sepatu yang tinggal sendirian. Saat sendirian di malam Natal ia teringat saat mendiang istrinya masih hidup dan anak-anaknya. Ia lalu membaca Alkitab, membaca kisah kelahiran Yesus. Bagaimana bunda Maria yang kelelahan setelah perjalanan jauh tidak menemukan tempat penginapan. Bapak tua Pierre berpikir kalau saja bunda Maria dan Yosef datang ke rumahnya ia pasti akan memberikan tempat tidur dan selimut agar badan bisa menjadi hangat. 

Ia lalu membaca tentang kedatangan para orang Majus dan awalnya mengeluh kalau ia tidak punya hadiah yang bagus. Tapi ia lalu teringat kalau mempunyai sepasang sepatu untuk bayi yang pernah ia buat. Lega karena mempunyai hadiah bapak Pierre tertidur. Ia bermimpi ada seseorang di sampingnya… yang ternyata adalah Yesus. Yesus berkata kalau besok Ia akan mengunjungi bapak Pierre dan silahkan menyediakan apa saja bagiNya. Lalu Ia menghilang.

Besoknya saat hari Natal, dengan riang bapak Pierre menanti kedatangan Yesus. Ia mengira-ngira seperti apakah penampilanNya? Apakah ia akan mengenaliNya? Lalu ketika ia tengah menatap ke jalan yang sudah ditutupi salju terlihat olehnya Albert seorang penyapu jalan. Albert terlihat begitu kedinginan dan menggerakkan hati bapak Pierre untuk memanggilnya. Ia mengajak Albert masuk dan minum susu coklat panas untuk merayakan Natal. Albert akhirnya mengetahui mengenai mimpi bapak Pierre dan mendoakannya agar mimpinya terkabul. Setelah ia menghangatkan diri, Albert pun kembali bertugas dan meninggalkan bapak Pierre kembali sendirian.

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Ria Tumimomor has been to: France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland.
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